Friday, November 2, 2018

Unable to connect to the remote server

This error come when Report Server is not active.

Start report server for this error.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Send Excel Report through Excel mail service

Follow these steps to have Excel e-mail the reports for you:
Step1: Open the workbook containing the report you want to send.
Step2: Press [Alt][F11].
Step3: In the Project-VBA Project pane, double-click ThisWorkbook.
Step4: Go to Insert --> Procedure ,Click in the Name text box and enter TestReportEmail. Click OK.
Step5: Add this code in added method for send email.
Dim DistList As Variant
DistList = Array("", "", "test1@company_name")
ActiveWorkbook.Sendmail Recipients: = DistList
Step6: Press [Alt]Q.
Step7: Press [Alt][F8].
Step8: Click TestReportEmail in the Macro list.
Step9: Click the Options button.
Step10: In the Ctrl+ box, enter m. Click OK.

Django Application

Site to follow for Django Python application
1. a-complete-beginners-guide-to-django-part-4

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Tomcat 9 showing error for maven application deployment

Showing below error message when start tomcat 9 with maven onlinetest  application installed on server.

Unable to acquire the state change lock for the module osgi identity in Eclipse Neon 3

Follow these step to resolve this issue in Eclipse Neon.3
Go to this path and delete .fileTableLock
