Thursday, December 28, 2023

Readonly checkbox with JQuery using selector.

Readonly checkbox with JQuery using selector.
Add the onclick attribute using the selector with the "return false" value.  
Because the readonly property is not working on the checkbox when clicking on it.

The below code is also not working when the checkbox attribute is readonly.

$('input[name="BeneficiariesList_code"][type="checkbox"][readonly="readonly"]').on("click",function (e) { e.preventDefault(); return false; });

In this line onclick is added by jQuery attr.

$("#BG2").attr("onclick","return false");

<input class="k-checkbox" name="ecode" value="Test" type="checkbox" id="BG2" onclick="return false">

Monday, December 18, 2023

Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Reporting Services Install & Configuration

Download report server from the below link.

Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Reporting Services

After installation Report Server is not working showing below error.

Configuration Manager

1. Connect to the Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Reporting Services

2. Service Account

Report Server Service Account Select Use another account option.

3. Web Service URL Registration:

4. Database:

5. Web Portal URL:

After Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services , IIS is not required for Reporting Service.
You will all of the URL reservation in place on your system using below command.

netsh http show urlacl